FASTEST Project Celebrated it First Review Meeting and General Assembly

From February 12-13, 2025, the FASTEST consortium gathered in Ninove, Belgium, for its General Assembly and first review meeting. Hosted by Avesta Battery & Energy Engineering (ABEE), the event provided an opportunity for partners to present the latest results from the first 18 months of the project and to plan the upcoming workload for the …

Interview with Philipp Brendel (FHG)

How crucial are the innovative methods used for model-based DoE in accelerating and refining the battery testing process? Could you explain the significance of intelligent DoE in ensuring efficient and meaningful testing by avoiding redundant experiments? Let me give you an example on this. Some common questions that we address with model-based Design on Experiments …

INEGI and Sustainable Innovations present FASTEST at the Battery Innovation Days

INEGI and Sustainable Innovations present FASTEST at the Battery Innovation Days

Our partners from INEGI and Sustainable Innovations attended last November 26th and 27th the Battery Innovation Days. There, they enjoyed a time of networking with other people involved in battery research, as well as getting to know other projects and initiatives. The Battery Innovation Days (BID) is a hybrid event held in Barcelona, Spain, and …

INEGI presents a paper related to FASTEST in IC3K 2024

INEGI presents a paper related to FASTEST in IC3K 2024

Inegi-presents-a-paper-related-to-fastest-in-ic3k-2024 INEGI, Portuguese partners of the FASTEST project, presented a paper related to their work on the project at the IC3K 2024 Conference. This conference joins researchers, engineers, and practitioners, and is about Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. INEGI, who oversees the work package about digital twins for hybrid tests in battery development …

FASTEST, presented at the THOR Project General Assembly

FASTEST, presented at the THOR Project’s General Assembly

FASTEST project coordinator Bruno Rodrigues, from ABEE, presented the project’s goals and progress during the General Assembly of the THOR Project. The session also featured contributions from sister projects DigiBatt and AccCellBaT, fostering meaningful dialogue and knowledge exchange among leading European battery initiatives. THOR focuses on reducing the time and cost of battery development by …

Interview with IKERLAN

Interview with IKERLAN

1. How do physics-based models help improve the safety and reliability testing of batteries to meet mechanical requirements? Current methods used to assess the battery system’s safety, performance, reliability, and lifetime are resource-intensive, involving destructive testing and costly infrastructure. In this regard, battery systems must withstand environmental vibration and shock conditions, requiring a mechanical assessment …


FASTEST, at Signe’s workshop at Ferrari facilities

On September 24th, 2024, Bruno Rodrigues, the FASTEST coordinator, presented our project’s scope, aims, partners and methodology at Ferrari’s premises during a workshop titled “The Future of EV Batteries,” organised by the Signe project at the Ferrari facilities in Maranello. The event provided a platform to explore innovations in electric vehicle (EV) battery technologies, showcasing …

DigiBatt, AccellBat, Thor, and Fastest Join Forces in a first cluster meeting

DigiBatt, AccellBat, Thor, and Fastest join forces in a first clustering meeting

Last October 14th, DigiBatt, AccCellBat, Thor, and FASTEST representatives held their first cluster meeting to kick off a collaborative effort by creating a clustering group. Participants introduced themselves and discussed plans. They also committed to cross-promoting each other’s projects and set further recurrent meetings to share experiences, communication actions, and technical perspectives and challenges. Future …



Our partners IKERLAN had the opportunity to showcase our project at ISMA-USD2024 on September 9th to 11th. There, they presented their latest research on virtual sensing and vibrational fatigue, which is related to the FASTEST project. The titles of their presentations were Force virtual sensing applied to a structure excited by an inertial shaker (by …

Interview with VTT

1. What are the main differences between the physics-based models and the data-driven models you plan to develop? How will the data-driven models enhance computational efficiency while maintaining accuracy?   Physics-based models rely on fundamental laws of physics to simulate systems. These models require detailed equations to represent real-world phenomena, which can make them computationally …